Saturday, August 22, 2015

Stained Photographs

Why do we go all in when we know we'll lose? We invest so much time, which is priceless, into others. This isn't always bad, but when we know it's not in our best interest, why do we continue to offer this limited currency? Although time fades, our memories don't. They are stuck in photographs and our free-falling minds. Once an event is captured, it's there to stay. So why do we force ourselves to capture memories that aren't right for us? Why do we force ourselves to capture hearts that aren't right for us? It reminds me of a blind date; we put everything on the table and gamble. We hope that this is it. We hope that the people in our lives are worth it. Hope. But as time changes, so do we. Some things break apart, some come together. And we invest time because we're stuck in a ruthless age where change isn't wanted. Where everything seems good, but a shift lies upon the horizon. I think giving up all control and drifting with the current is the only way to become purely happy. Invest time, as much as it permits. Go on the blind dates. Be as hopeful as you are passionate. Because all we have at the end of the day are our memories; those photographs stained in our minds. And if we don't wake up in the morning, those stills will forever play.

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