Thursday, August 13, 2015

Lively Bombs

Exes are ticking time bombs. They scatter around the city and without warning you've stepped on an explosion. One second your world is inching by, until suddenly he appears. Time stops. Sound shatters. Sense fades. All your left with are memories. His warm touch and gentle eyes. His light lips and soft laugh; it swarms around you. Your lungs fill with smoke - smoke of a burned past. The funny thing is, you can never prepare for these attacks. These mines are sprinkled all over and the second you forget about their faces, the bomb diffuses. It's terrifying, but exhilarating. Maybe thats why we always wander back to our exes - the longing and terror mix - for a mystery we will never solve. Because we will never know where and when these collisions happen. We mostly hope to avoid them, but somewhere inside ourselves, in a place we won't admit, we hope to see them. Because an unexpected encounter that draws upon discord is a ticking time bomb. And although ticking time bombs are deadly, they revive memories. In a way, bombs are lively.

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