Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Romantic Numbers

Why is there a double standard with phone numbers? It's appropriate for a man to offer his number, but it's not okay for a woman. It's sexy and romantic when a man does it, but when a woman participates in the same act it's aggressive and far too direct. We set these boundaries so early on in relationships that we prevent any sort of spontaneous act. We all lust after a fairytale story as seen on TV, but how would we ever be able to achieve that if we immediately put up expectations? And since this double standard exists against females, males have begun to jerk away from these actions too. Are we actually ruining our opportunities of any kind of relationship by placing these restraints on others? Have we blocked ourselves off so much that we seem cold and aloof? And when someone does step out on a limb how is it rewarded? Rejection, laughter, ignorance? Maybe all our relationships are supposed to form from some sort of foundation, but we should give up the ridiculous fantasies. Not because they're impossible, but because we doubt their existence, we question our actions to the point of distance. There used to be a time when giving out a number wasn't a big deal - in fact it was rewarded with high-fives and excitement. Now, this rare occurrence is judged and questioned. Have we just out-grown romance as a whole? Do we even expect it anymore? And the most pressing question; should I ever hand out my phone number again?

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