Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Rescued: To Be Or Not To Be

White knights and princes. Whether we like it or not, girls just want to be rescued. Sometimes it's someone picking you up after a late night. But sometimes it's a simple 'hello' when all else fails. Forget the horses and chain-mail and substitute them for white houses and picket fences. I mean what would Sleeping Beauty do if Prince Charming never came for her? Maybe she would've awoken on her own or maybe she would be in a daze forever. Either way, her life was altered by his rescue. And all girls hope - to a certain extent - that their lives can be changed forever. Why do you think Officers and Firefighters are so highly publicized? Why do they make shirtless calendars to promote their services? Because they are the good guys - they are the modern day Prince Charmings - and we can't help but want to be saved. Maybe the drama of dragons and even house fires are not everyone's cup of tea, but a smile on a rainy day or "a your coffee's on me" could be the replacement. We may not need rescuing from dragons or even ourselves, we just want to be saved from life's hassles. And it's got me thinking; do they know we want to be saved? And if they do, can we even be saved in reality or is being rescued just a fairytale?

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