Sunday, August 23, 2015

Crowded Greys

Girls tend to think a relationship consists of three things: love, sex, and friendship. Men on the other hand, can separate these and create individual relationships based on one or the other, creating a mixture. But all this does to the girl, is create a mixture of emotions. Men can think in shades of grey, while women mostly perceive black and white. So how does this spectrum work? How many shades of grey can men actually see? And do men settle when they are placed into the triangle of female thought? I've tried segregating the different entities but honestly, all I end up with is emotional instability. Love can be just love… until you begin to want more. Sex can be just sex… in the moment, but after it becomes an attachment. And friendship can be just friendship… unless it's with the opposite sex - because we always mistake kindness with flirting. The funny thing is, men can achieve a life of separate functions; love with her, sex with another, and friendship with whomever. So why does the male brain continue to mystify women? What can their mind conquer that ours can't? Will women ever be able to live the spectrum of greys? If so, will we ever be fully satisfied? Like a sun caught mid set, with the moon towering over - the sky becomes crowded. The shades overlap and two different worlds collide. Relationships may be black or white but what happens when a relationship becomes just grey?

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