Saturday, August 22, 2015

Judging Judgement

Somethings people don't admit because they don't always like the way it sounds. I'm lonely, but I'd never announce it. The funny this is, most of these things we are not ought to be ashamed of. 'I'm overweight,' 'I'm gay,' 'I'm lonely' - if you can be confident in your skin, who cares? Regardless of how others view us, we still feel vulnerable about certain qualities. And the worst part is, we are the ones who think it's okay to be rejected by these things. Just below the surface, we're all raw and exposed. We're all shaping ourselves to be who we should be, not who we are. These are not weakness, they define us. But is this definition that bad? When I see someone without a plus one, I don't judge, but are they judging themselves? Are they questioning their competence to date? Why does judgement play such a large role in our lives? Yes, it's not always the most flattering quality, but can judgement be positive? Why do we judge judgement? Am I just judging myself about judging myself? I think we should use these things that we don't admit and be proud of them - they make us us. We may never stop judging, but we can use it to our advantage. Will we, as a society, ever be comfortable in our own skin? And if so, how?

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