Friday, January 18, 2013

We Judge, We lie, We Cheat, We Fold

Do we all have a hard time accepting someone that's different? In some situations we value originality, but when it comes down to our physical appearance or even our personality the beauty of it seems to disappear. We judge, we lie, we cheat, and we fold. I almost find it insulting when people deceive who they are to be something fake. Why do we put on a mask to cover a beautiful face? Everyone's good enough in their own way, but I find that people have given up on believing that. They'd rather be superficial and popular than understood. We weigh quantities over qualities and that forces us to become liars. Do we really want to have to face the world day in and day out molded to what others want? Or do we want to wake up every morning excited to be who we are, to be accepted? I for one, would rather be accepted for me, wouldn't you? We need to STOP judging, lying, cheating, and folding ourselves. We need to be us, be free.

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