Friday, January 18, 2013

Inevitable Investments

How can people completely invest themselves in a relationship right away? They say it's love at first sight but honestly we all get nervous, we all have doubts and second thoughts, some more than others. But does that give us the right to go all in, when we actually aren't? When we're scared of making a mistake, or of saying the wrong thing? Relationships have proven to barely last forever so why do we sign ourselves up again and again to be torn down, just to feel another heart wrenching breakup? It's almost as if humans are immune to wondering what will happen in the end. We never think about our own death, our own heartbreaks, and our own losses. We push the curious details to the back of our minds and lock the in a box just to throw away the key, but why? Do we get too anxious to deal with it? Too afraid? I admit, personally, I have a slight fear of dying and thinking about my future breakups. But, is that the reason we invest ourselves into someone at the beginning? Because we can't think of the future consequence? Because we refuse to feel what will, inevitably, happen? We refuse to see pain. 


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