Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Perfect Fit?

Cinderella's glass slipper. I wonder if it would fit me anytime now? It feels as though everyone around me has been paired off with someone they love and I'm, well, me. In movies they always have the beautiful princess being swept off her feet by prince charming, but should we all come to the realization that there is no prince? That that glass slipper has fallen off the face of the Earth? Or maybe even my eight and a half sized feet wouldn't fit into the perfectly sized slipper? As children all girls dream of growing up and falling in love, but it almost feels like it's planned. It seems that everyone grows up at a certain time, finds love at a certain time, and lives happily ever after at a certain time. As much as I hate to admit it I have a soft spot for romance, alright it's probably softer than rabbit fur but my point still stands. Romance is something us girls grow up dreaming about but it's also something we crave in a way. The mystery and passion behind it always lures us in and that's most likely why we fall for the wrong guys who say the right things. Have we become so consumed with fitting Cinderella's glass slipper that we have forgotten our own?

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