Sunday, March 29, 2015

Infamous Glory

I've been asked recently why I don't make this blog more public, why not advertise my writing? Well when I write its a kind of art, but its not art in the sense you are thinking of. Although words can be a form of art, this blog is art based on the way it makes me feel. It lets me offer my opinions to the entire world without any regret --- and that is art. Yes, I sing, dance, paint, draw, and I have lots of experience mixing these together but art isn't always what we see. Art can be the smell of bacon cooking, or the sound of a leaf crumbling under your feet, or even touching a wall. Art can be the feeling you get after a long walk. Art is something that allows people to think of something differently. My blog is exactly that. Perhaps it has never changed your viewpoint of the world and never will, but it helps me change. Change is inevitable and this is how I'd like to change. Alter yourself to see this world --in all its infamous glory-- differently.

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