Thursday, April 9, 2015


Words are tricky. There are used for so many things but I like to think they work best as descriptors. We all have a word to describe ourselves. Some are passionate, others are caring, and possibly thoughtful. I think its hard to narrow down the options to find just one, but I believe everyone has a word. I'm in search for mine. The complexity behind a personality is difficult to navigate, but it always comes down to one point. One point starts it all and we grow from there, we develop further. I think the reason why people lose themselves is because they don't know where this point is or what it is. They transform themselves off the beliefs that they are something different, they become lost. I suppose the best part is that the only way to grow is from ruin, the only way to come home is when you're lost. We all have a word, its buried within our souls, pushing outwards. If you have yours, covet it. As for right now, I'm in search of mine.

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