Wednesday, January 14, 2015


His chattering mouth moves but no words come out. Sometimes words breeze through me and I'm at a loss of understanding. I used to be a good listener. I used to listen to everyone. I knew their pains, their heartaches, their wild tales, and some things that better be left unspoken. But now I sit here thinking about how words have become a wind. They've shifted from an abstract unity to nothing at all. Maybe I've spent too much time listening and not enough speaking. Maybe I've become accustomed to dealing with others' problems and mishandling my own. Maybe I'm just not me anymore. Maybe. Perhaps thats why writing works efficiently for me. No speaking, just thinking. Each word, every phrase, all the sounds combine to create a thought - a thought that must have been thought of. Too much thinking. Maybe the answer is simple. Maybe his words have turned to a deathly gust because I don't care anymore. Because he's boring. Because he complains too much. Because he doesn't understand me.

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