Monday, January 5, 2015


People always tell me, "There's time for that later," as though everyone lives to one hundred. But, I think the living that many kids experience is mundane and expected. We live the life we're told and follow the trail made for us by either our parents or society. Both suck. Behave. Focus. Study. In reality is just suppressing our chaos, ignoring distractions, and plowing away at our week. Not as exciting as most people plan. Sometimes I want to stand up in a lecture hall and just leave. Sometimes I want to turn the car around and just drive. Sometimes I want to run away. Sometimes I want to jump off that cliff (in a none suicidal way). I've never felt like I belong anywhere. Sometimes I belong with certain people, but there is never a place for me. Maybe no one feels as though they fit in, even if they never say it. I'm saying it now. I might not have a place because where we are is usually mundane and expected. Perhaps if I get into the car and discover a place, maybe I'll fit in. Because that would be unexpected and to me, breaking out of this frozen shut shell is important. Its important because you're going to be the missing puzzle until you're found. So where do I go?

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