Friday, January 23, 2015

A Single Streetlamp

Chances are a tricky thing. They symbolize hope, but the reason behind the doomed first chance is undeniable. Chances are like paper; crumbled once but usable. I think that hope can be an interesting concept. A single streetlamp in a stormy night. Lonely but strong. Unique and independent. No other lamp can reproduce the same streams of light or touch the same ground. Its wondrous in its beauty. And right there, waiting in that storm is the vehicle. Second chances are hard. Sometimes they aren't fair and usually we regret giving them, but there are the few who deserve them. Those people get into the car and drive it all the way home - determined and fearless. Thats how chances should be in my opinion. When Spring eventually occurs look around and be inspired by those chances. New birds' nests, blooming buds, and a greening grass. These are the chances worth the risk - these are the chances I hope to give.

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