Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Trust. Five letters, one vowel, four consonants, one word, a world of meaning. The dictionary defines it as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. To me trust is so much more. Trust is handing someone a gun, allowing them to point it square at your heart and providing the bullet. How can one earn trust? Time? Love? Respect? Have you ever told someone that you trust them? Have you ever trusted anyone? Trust can be earned, but most people take that opportunity to throw it in your face and burn it. After years of time and tears I've decided to stay away from it, but is that really the best thing? When we meet someone new do we push them away to protect ourselves or to keep the amount of effort minimal? Has humanity given up on trust or has trust given up on us? Years of fights and blood over one word. One word. Trust. What does it even mean? What does it mean to you? I'll ask you one question; Have you ever trusted anyone enough to hand them a gun and point it at your heart while providing the bullet? 

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