Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Love (Part 1)

Growing up everyone has a dream to become something big, something special, but what if that dream could destroy your life. Would we take the chance to claim it or just keep dreaming innocently? I came across something that can take any small town girl or boy and make them feel bigger inside. Its something most people call love, but it seems to be so toxic at times we cannot see clearly and we start to judge with a clouded point of view. I wouldn’t say I’ve experienced this feeling, however I’ve seen people that have and they become torn down over time. The life is drained from their once sparkling eyes and this so called love of their life leaves them, alone. How can something that people spend their entire life attempting to claim end up broken into a million shards. I do, however, know people that have been in love for numerous decades and that spark that connected them from the very first glance is still there. These people are happy and at peace with life because they found a reason, they found the sparkle in their eyes. Many say life is never fair but I believe that love is not always kind or nurturing like they portray in movies, it’s exhilarating in both positive and negative ways. Love is destructive, exciting, mystifying, enchanting, and most of all colorful. 

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