Thursday, December 20, 2012


I was wondering, do the amount of pictures or parties we attend truly define how "popular" we are? And if so, would you even want to be popular? I sure wouldn't, but maybe it would be nice to get out of my head every once in awhile. But all those red cups and duck lips... isn't really my cup of tea. Plus, that hangover - totally not worth it. But back to it, how do these popular kids become popular? You know the types I'm talking about; the "It Girls" and the "Jocks" etc. The ones I dread talking to and the ones everyone are jealous of. Do their "connections" define them? Do they define ME? Does the universe love looking down and laughing at all the obstacles they put right in front of me? I think that popularity is just another one of their tricks that they are throwing right in front of me. What do you think?