Friday, January 1, 2016

Screaming Colours

Some relationships are born to die, but everything in between is so mystical that they reel you in. The colours scream and every touch deepens. But as the mystery draws you inward, you realize that so does every mistake. The good and bad swirl together, blurred, becoming unidentifiable. These relationships are the passionate ones, where everything is so intense and meaningful, yet so raw. You wear out. And so does the relationship. But some relationships are born to last. Now, this type of connection can be passionate too, intoxicating in the way you hang on their every word. But the difference is that this high wears off every now and again, because they ground you. They keep you searching yourself for answers. You don't rely on them for excitement or change or anything, but they make everything better. That's why these relationships last, because you're your own person as are they, but you form a bond, a connection that feed off of one another, and it never stops growing. Because if someone is to give us anything, it should be growth. And you may grow from those relationships that are born to die. But you grow to learn that the relationships born to last are the ones to strive for. Because you don't grow from the aftermath of the relationship, but you grow from the relationship itself. You grow, build, and feed from the person. You learn that screaming colours aren't everything.

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