Saturday, January 23, 2016

Eventually Spring Will Thaw Winter

Change. It's uncomfortable and terrifying. Why does it have to happen? We give reasons for its purpose but honestly, I think change just has to happen. Where would we be without it? Change gives us two options - adapt or get left behind. And no one likes to be left behind. But adapting, morphing - growing - hurts. As kids we always hear the term "growing pains." Well guess what? The growth never stops hurting. But regardless of the tears, the movement, and the aching, emerging from the cocoon is good. Change is good. Change is everything. Because without it we would've been left behind. We change place, time, people, emotions, beliefs, and eventually the person who we are changes. But through all the shifting it's good to hold onto something. Keeping yourself grounded is everything too. Sometimes it's a line we repeat to get through the transition. Sometimes it's a hand to hold. And sometimes it's just a song. But without this talisman we chaotically spin through the wind - a lost balloon. So accept the change. Because eventually Spring will thaw Winter. And Summer's sun will soak up Spring's rain. Accept the pain that straggles behind the change, because you'll grow. You will blossom into yet another you - and that is everything.

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