Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Epic Decisions

Decisions. Every conscious second we make decisions. Some good. Some bad. But we make them and something causes us to make up our minds. Either our past or facts, but regardless something triggers our motion. Something triggers us to do something we've never done before. Every action is new, even if we've repeated it a hundred times. It's new because of our gained experience or the situation or our mind set - whatever it is - something is different and we create something new. And with all decisions, the repercussions follow. Some good. Some bad. But the thing about decisions is that the decisions that change our lives, the decisions that cause the entire domino effect to stop, they are the ones that are epically good and epically bad at the same time. You question yourself a million times. What led to this? What caused my choice? Why am I changing everything I know? But I think the only reason these epic decisions are seen as epically bad is because they're scary. The unknown is scary. The decision to leave your habits, your comfort, is scary. But fear only makes us grow. And that is another choice we make. We choose to grow from this epically 'bad' decision and we choose to see its epic-ness - in all its glory. Because life can be about the patterns, the endless cycles we make. Those decisions are made, and are new every time, but they are also habits. Don't you want to choose something for you? Pick a life you want? Pick the one you want? I've never been big on relationships because they scare me. But maybe it's time to see the epic-ness. Maybe it's time to break the patterns. It's time to grow. And if I listen to my heart and use my best judgement, I'll see my epic choice is wise. And in this, I'll avoid the worst regret of them all; that something amazing passed me by.

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