Friday, September 4, 2015

Common Ground

Lately I've been thinking about what initiates our attraction to another. I used to believe appearances swayed your initial feelings towards someone, but I'm beginning to change my mind. I really think people are pulled to others when we have things in common. I'm still unsure of what I must have in common with the other person that draws upon this attraction, but from my most recent experiences I believe this idea holds. Maybe it's because we dream of being immersed in someone that understands us, someone we can intertwine with and come out knowing you're one. It reminds me of the relationship that water and earth share. Rain falls into the ground, the two separate entities combine providing on an even higher level. Alone, they both facilitate nourishment, but together they create life. Two completely different substances with varied cycles, appearances, and purpose can immerse into one another. Their common ground may stand to be mysterious and maybe it will never be known, but their relationship exists. Will our relationships ever exist or do they need to be built? Will two people ever be pulled together and have what they have or must we work through 'issues'? Can a relationship exist with a common ground and nothing more? Perhaps everything past common ground is worthless. Maybe this additive is what causes the complexities; thoughts, questions, emotions. Will I ever be able to just live in the moment on nothing more than common ground? And if I do, is he the one?

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