Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Chances - Given and Gone

Chances always remind me of flower petals, you pull one off thinking "He loves me" or "He loves me not" but when those petals hit the ground what happens? When the proposal is left there does it expire or is it an unlimited time offer? I guess it depends on the situation but chances are delicate and choosing which ones to accept alter your life, possibly in dramatic ways. If we get these chances why do we always allow ourselves to blow them off or immediately decide? Isn't it time to step back and take it in? As much as I'd like to say I've chosen the right offers I have made a few wrong ones. Falling in love with someone and buried it, doesn't count as my best decision but it happens. The chance of falling out of love with him never appeared and now I'm stuck in a world where I can only pretend I'm not interested. Chances. The ones I've given have been all or nothing or simplistic but every one counts, but what happens when you have given a chance but it's been left there. I gave him a chance should it be given again or is it gone?

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