Thursday, April 23, 2015

Just Another "Friday"?

Time doesn't exist to me. Seconds are not seconds, they last as long as we want. When you spend your time pursuing something you love, time flies. When you spend your time pursuing something you hate, time ticks by slowly. Why does this happen? I'm sure science has come to a perfectly intelligible answer, but there is another reason for me. Time simply exists in the our mind. The only solid empirical evidence of time we have is the 24-hour time shift of each morning transitioning to the next. Some days pass by in an instant because we choose to enjoy every moment so fully that we lose track of this concept we implement on reality: time. The days that slowly slug away are perceived this way because we focus on time as opposed to the interaction at hand. In order to enjoy everything and forget this forced ideal, we must realize that each new second we are given is a second no-one will every experience, but you. And it all starts now. And now. And now. Each second that ticks away is only drained because we take fore-granted this new second, a new chance, and a new life. Wake up tomorrow and don't view it as another "Friday" or another "April morning," its another day you will only experience once and never again. Be so enthralled by this moment that you simply forget time.

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