Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Decisions: Right from Wrong

What happens when you're stuck between two worlds? What repercussions occur from every decision you make? And what actions must you follow through on to prevent negative consequences? I've always been someone who finds their-self caught in two worlds, mostly it happens with relationships, friendships, family, but even our day to day lives can blur the lines of what we want and what we have. Unfortunately for the majority of the population we never quite get those two lines to intersect. But what happens when we start hurting the people we care about because we cannot make up our mind? Because we don't know what we want? Life is such a delicate thing, you only have it for a certain amount of days so why would we let ourselves settle for less than what we want? Is it because we don't think we deserve it? Because it feels impossible to achieve? Or because we just never know what we truly want? I think that we have to find those two lines and focus on which one is more important, whether it being what you want or have, maybe then we can make the right decisions.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A World of Beauty

I've always wondered is it possible to live in a world of make believe? In a world where princes defend their damsels and evil step mother's get locked away forever? In one way, I think we all live in a type of universe where whatever we want happens, unfortunately most of the time, it's just our dreams. We can always make our dreams become reality if we strive for it, but what if this world we live in suddenly turned into a place of beauty? A place people would want to be? A place ALL people would want to be? Perhaps it's impossible but maybe, just maybe we could make it happen. I try not to live in my head but that's where I go when I need to think, when I need to breathe. And maybe my head is full of typical fairytale stories, but to me thats a world that I would enjoy living in.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


When we all begin to develop feelings for someone how do we know if they are reciprocating them back? To me, that's one of the most difficult steps when entering the world of a new relationship. Back in the 1950's a guy would walk up to a girl and say, "Damn Betty, you're a fox!" At that point it was obvious how he felt, he had the courage to say something completely outside of the box just to satisfy his curiosity. Modern day most people flirt with a group of people making it more difficult to decipher how they feel for you. So maybe we could ask? Maybe we could wait? Or maybe we could just walk up to them and kiss them? There are ways of finding out the truth, unfortunately situations like the last one don't happen too many times because we are all afraid. Humans are just simply, and easily afraid of rejection.

Faced With Reality

I'm a dreamer; plain and simple, but what happens when a dreamer is faced with reality? The fictional story line I once starred has become a dry, non fiction memoir. Someone close to me has recently opened my eyes to a new way of thinking, a new way of living. Unfortunately I am incapable of saying how I feel and I have become limited in how I can open up, but honestly, I've always had trouble with that. However, dreaming is something I am good at, but maybe too good. I slip into this unrealistic world that prevents me from feeling pain and loss, and in some ways it's helpful but in other cases it restricts us from seeing what's right there, in front of our eyes. I wish dreamers had the courage to say how they felt but unfortunately we continue to thrive in an imaginary world forcing people to the side lines. But what if there was one person that could change this world? Could change how we see everything and everyone? Would we be willing to sacrifice our fictional story line for one person?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Rules: To be Broken or Not to be Broken

I've always found the saying, "Rules are meant to be broken," strangely interesting. In one way it's the truth, we make rules to prevent people from continuing a previous action but some won't listen. In another aspect rules are just boundaries created to give the powerful ones confidence. Almost as though they feel better about themselves after destroying yet another freedom we all once had. Lately I've been fascinated with human reactions to rules. Basically we listen and we follow, almost as though we were trained to do so. BUT, when certain people decide to go against the grain, what in their mindset allows them to warp this knowledge all humans are dealt? I see rules as straight lines; they have no depth and lack theory but the people that disobey their own nature, their lines becomes waves and curves. They become 3-d, they become vivid.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Decisions and Choices

Why are we all so afraid of making the wrong mistake? Of keeping up appearances? And of choosing the right people? It's so ironic that we put so much power into people we have never thought about. We make the right decisions to the public's eye even though inside we know we've made the wrong one. So my question is, why? Why have we allowed ourselves and our right minds to crawl into hiding when we are faced with choices? Obviously, some are greater than others unless you think picking out a certain pair of underwear could change your future. We go through life on a path that can turn at any moment but what happens when we do something we know isn't ourselves? Or when we make a decision that doesn't reflect what we internally wanted? Does our path become paved the way we created it or the way we wanted it? Maybe we should all start saying what we feel and forget the consequences for once, maybe we should do what feels right.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Movies = Dreams

I think the reason behind our love for movies is the fact that they all reveal hidden dreams we all have. Being the selfless super-hero, finding prince charming, and even discovering ourselves. Day after day we try our hardest to figure out who we are and what we can become, but movies provide us with silent hope. We all have seen a film but the thing about them is they force us into the position to relate to the situations being shown. We put ourselves in the shoes of these fictional lives and forget about who we are, just for a minute, and once the two words, "The End," pop onto the fading black screen we wake up in our own worn down shoes. The reason we watch these movies over and over with meaningless plots and basic characters is because we want to believe that one day our lives will turn around. One day we'll discover a hidden super power or that the right guy was right in front of us the entire time, or even that we finally understand who we have become. Movies deliver the human population with dreams.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Have you ever got the feeling that you're dying inside, that every breathe you take slowly becomes less worth it, less worth everything. People might say thats called seeing the world as a half empty cup but what if that cup was never full? Some people are blessed to be able to grow up with happy families, flexible financial situations, and loving friends, unfortunately I wasn't born into that chosen group. Lately I've begun to wonder if life ever does change because that is what has gotten me through all those difficult times; knowing one day everything will work out. What if there is nothing to work out? What if we are born into a life we must carry on until the end? If so, is it ever worth living? Why try when we just get yelled at for doing our best, for putting up with shitty situations our entire lives?