Saturday, February 7, 2015

Lose Control

Sometimes the most important moments in life are the unexpected ones. The ones that bite you in the butt or fall head over heel. Memorable moments cannot be planned or pre-thought. They just happen. Think about your firsts. Did they happen because you wanted them to or because they just happened. You won't remember the dates you make or the tests you write. You won't remember the presents you buy or the holidays you booked off. You remember the spontaneous decision to go out to a new restaurant, the procrastination before the test, the gifts you make, and the holidays you crammed into your schedule. You remember whats forgotten during the present. One of the most memorable moments for me was letting go. Because that is unexpected for who I am. I guess what can be taken from this is make each moment memorable, allow yourself to let this happen. Lose control and find yourself.

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