Friday, January 31, 2014

Thank You

When did everything start to take a turn for the worst? When did all the pain suddenly become a head and hit me so strong directly in my stomach? It all happened two weeks ago when my heart that I had given to someone else was torn in half. The pain was and still is so indescribable that my words are not enough. The nausea filled my body making me sick, and the shaking wouldn't stop for days. I think the worst is the sting of my tears, the salty affect felt as though it melted my skin, incinerating everything I've known. The one person whom you give your world to, your life, becomes a small speck in the skeme of things when they decide to look into another person's eyes. The disgust lingers in my throat making my speech impaired and I still feel the sinking feeling every-time I think of her; the one person out of 7 billion people that contributed fifty percent to the deterioration of my relationship. If you're out there and smiling I want you to know, thank you.

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