Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Unknown

I think some of the most terrifying things in life are what we are unaware of. Things that linger every corner or watch our every move, the things in hiding that wait to pounce. But the question is, if we don't know what it is how can it terrify us? Maybe it's because we're scared to what could happen, all the endless possibilities created from our never-ending imagination. As much as I'd like to say that one day we'll conquer the unknown there's an equal chance we won't. And maybe thats what makes life worth living; not knowing what to expect. Not knowing if tomorrow the love of your life will walk through the doors, or if you just purchased the winning lottery ticket, or even something as simple as the lucky jacket you lost last week will turn up. Life is full of surprises, good and bad, and it's up to us to make the choice of whether those surprises are worth waking up for in the morning, if those surprises are worth our breathe.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Have you ever been in the position where you never quite know how to word how you feel? Where you can't put your finger on what crazed emotions are running through your veins? When everything you say affects people around you so the easiest way to please them all in to stay silent? Maybe its just me but I try to keep all my thoughts in my head until I know for sure what I feel. I don't want to get caught up in feelings I'm not sure exist but I also don't want to confide in what I know I feel. Honestly, feelings are one of the most vague things in this world. They are so complex yet we sum them up into one word; sad, happy, upset, depressed. How can a universe of emotion be put into something so small, something we say everyday but never think twice about? I try not to say what I'm thinking until I know it's real but how do we get to that point? The point of knowing it's real? Do we say what we want even if it could give out false hope only to later crumble dreams or do we remain silent until we decide for ourselves? The only problem is, what if that silence lasts forever?